AnimeDLR is an application that allows you to grab anime, cartoon and drama episodes on streaming sites so you can watch them online (no need to download the episode before watching it) or offline (the episode is downloaded before you can watch it) on your android device. You can keep track of the episodes watched, add series in your favorites.
Target API 28.
Migrated to Material theme.
Pin series on the launcher (requires Android 8).
Widget: today's anime releases. Press a series to open it in the app.
Detail screen: UI updated.
Night mode updated.
Library: anime-planet and mydramalist added.
New auto update.
Press the new releases notification open the bookmarks page.
New option to disable the confirmation dialog before execution an action.
Scrollbar in the list of series, bookmarks and libraries.
Cover images are saved in webp in the cache to save space.
Option to toggle the different bookmark options.
Fix MP4Upload and RapidVideo.
New sources: Anime8,, Anime4You,AnimeKisa, AnimeUnity
Sources fixed or improved: AnimeHD47, AnimeRhino, GogoAnime.
Library: filter by name, search/global search added.
Minor improvements.
Fix some bugs.
Download: AnimeDLR 5.0.0