5 years ago, I published the first version of MangaDLR in Google Play. Today I release the 6th version.
Target Oreo (API 27), new round and adaptive icons, update appcompat.
AniList and Kitsu sync added.
New drawer menu.
New blue light filter popup.
New: Switch source to migrate your bookmarks from a source to another.
Highlight bookmarks if the source has been removed.
UI updated: global search and switch source.
"Downloaded" improvements.
"Download queue": ask a confirmation before cleaning the queue.
"Bookmarks": minor improvement.
Search in reddit disc.
Search in MAL has been improved.
Downloaded files statistics.
Add Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.
Remove location permissions.
"Save file as..." option in the settings: "Server/chapter".
New app shortcut: settings
UI improvements
Sources removed: mangahead, mangalib, gogomanga, kintamaindo, manga14, batoto, animestory, mangarawonline, Gameofscanlation, GoManga, Rawlh.
Sources added: lhscans, funmanga, itascan, otakusmash, mangasail, mangadex, Scan-FR, MangaNelo, Mangakawaii, RawNeko, RawQQ.
Some sources have been fixed.
Mangasee: add online search.
Fix a download bug when the server use a proxied image url (http://proxy.com?url=http://myserver.com/01.png).
Fix Cloudflare DDoS protection.
Open the menu with the menu key
Download: MangaDLR 6.0.0